ENC Industrial Supply

Brooms, Mops & Dust Pans

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Premier Large Synthetic Angle Broom 48 inch Handle
Medium Maxi Cotton Loop-End Mop
Jaw Clamp Mop stick, Fiberglass Handle
Microfiber Dust Mop 36" Kit
MaxiClean Small Angle Broom
Quick Change Wet Mop w/ Fiberglass handle
Side Gate Mop Handle Single
#16 Cotton Cut-End Mop
Maxi Rough Plastic Dust Pan
Maxi Twist Microfiber Self-Wringing Mop
Micro fiber Dust Mop 36" Each
Trust Universal Headband Cotton Mop 23 oz
60" Snap On Dust Mop Handle Each
Trust Lobby Angle Broom
MaxiPlus Lobby Dust Pan, Extra Wide Opening Each
Multi-Angle Lobby Sweep w/ Black Handle
12" Roller Mop
Trust Clamp Style Mop Handle Only
#24 Rayon Cut-End Mop
Upright Dustpan w/ Hook
36″ MaxiDust Loop-End Dust Mop, Green
Maxi Vac Floor Sweeper
Trust Cotton 15oz Mop Each
Premier Large Angle Broom CASE
MaxiPlus Lobby Dust Pan CASE
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